Oh no she didn’t 🤬 She can fuck right on off. As a middle aged female person of color in the US about to get fucked every which way she needs to NOT EVEN!!! Excuse my strong language but I am feeling even my library card is being threatened right now!!!
I’m in SoCal as blue as it gets and I absolutely do not feel safe. I am so afraid of loosing the ACA (which is not actually affordable) but the pre existing conditions issue would be prohibitive for me going forward. Terrified the reproductive rights problems could come for us. What if I needed to relocate due to high cost of living, I am nearly 50 and could not imagine being forced into a full term pregnancy. I have adult children!!! Option B being permanent sterilization, I don’t want to be forced into mutilating my body to prevent a pregnancy. I am officially into my doomsday phase of grief for today! 😣