What was your first experience using Linux? How old were you? Stick around or did you go back to windows before eventually circling back to Linux? - eviltoast

I’ll go first, I took my mom’s college textbooks which came with discs for a couple distros and failed to install RHEL before managing to get Fedora Core 4 working. The first desktop environment I used was KDE and despite trying out a few others over the years I always come back to plasma. Due to being like 12, I wanted to run my games on it, and man wine was not nearly as easy to use (or as good) as it is nowadays. So I switched back to windows until around 2015 or so when I spent the next few years trying to replace windows as much as I could. Once valve released proton, I switched fully and have t looked back, unless my still there windows partition tries to take over my computer when I restart it at least.

  • mysterc@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    My very first experience with Linux was in probably 1993 or so. I ran a dial-up BBS with a Usenet feed and a friend UUCP’d me the first few floppies of slackware to try. I don’t remember getting very far but I had used OS/9 earlier on my Coco 3, so the shell was pretty familiar.

    For actual work, about a year later I started working for a dial-up ISP and my workstation was a Linux box connected via Serial PPP to a Sun pizzabox.

    I’ve used Linux on and off as a Desktop over the years but always maintained at least one server. In my current jobs there is a mix of Linux and FreeBSD servers I run on a Linux based virtualization platform.

  • shawn@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    1 year ago

    After reading this question, I got strangely excited the thinking I had a relatively older and/or unique experience. Nope, most all you guys are as old as me. Late 90’s, early 2000…got a red hat CD in some literature…installed it. Now only use Windows if I need to for work which I haven’t needed to for over a decade.

    • eric5949@lemmy.cloudaf.siteOP
      1 year ago

      I’m starting to think all the older folks are the ones who left reddit lol. Between stuff like this and the old memes, I’m definitely on the younger side of people here lol.

  • BringMeTheDiscoKing@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Linux was kinda sketchy on the hardware I had available so my first experience was installing NetBSD on an '040 Mac with a stack of floppy disks. I was able to get WindowMaker running at 16bits, 640x480. I was pretty slick, with my ‘transparent’ eterm.

  • RedditWanderer@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I got into linux at ~20 in ~2010. It’s great but got anoyed with installing windows support for games/work, and have been stuck with window since. The game engines I work on and the tools I use (visual studio, visual assist, vsvim, etc…) simply refuse to cooperate on Linux and I can’t spend valuable work time fighting my distro.

    Windows is soon forcing me to switch, and changing my entire workflow, but I’ll keep it going as long as I can

  • SokathHisEyesOpen@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Oh gosh, it must have been 1999? 2000ish? I have no idea what distro it was or if distros were even a thing. It took me 3-4 days to get all of my driver’s working. I clunked along with it for a week or two until an update borked the system and I didn’t know how to fix it, so I went back to Windows. I tried many more times over the following decades, usually with similar results. About 6 years ago I really learned a lot more about Unix servers and therefore about Linux itself. So I installed it again and I’ve had it on at least one computer in the house ever since then.

  • morain@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’d been a Fidonet BBS sysop for years when I read Torvald’s post on comp.os.minux and I was interested, as MS-DOS was too limited. So I downloaded my first “not distro” on a midnight call (300 baud!) to Finland. It wasn’t even a distro back then, just a bare kernel and a few programs. Then SLS came out in late '92 and I was off and running.

    I’ve hopped all the major distros just out of curiosity and torture/fun, many times, too many to count. Each has it’s own quirks and usability, but they all have the kernel. So it doesn’t matter which you run as long as you like it, you’re having fun exploring, and it does what you want it to do.

  • meisme@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    My dad got me a Raspberry Pi for my 10th birthday. I used Ubuntu Mate 16.04 and was amazed by the customizability. Switched my laptop in 2019, never looked back.

  • Snowman44@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    When I was about 12 I had a computer nerd friend who used linux almost exclusively. I used various linux distros at his house. I don’t know what they were.

    He gave me a knopix CD so I could use linux too and that was the easiest way.

    I thought I’d try linux myself so I burned Ubuntu to a cd and tried to install it on a family computer as a dual boot. I did it wrong and deleted everything. My dad is a computer network specialist so he understood what happened and wasn’t mad. He made a backup of the family computer a while ago and restored it. We still lost some things, but not everything.

    My friend got me a desktop computer for free and put SUSE on it. My parents wouldn’t allow me to have internet in my bedroom so I just played games and made stuff on blender with it.

    My friend also got me a free laptop at this computer nerd conference we went to. We listened to a bunch of people talk about computer stuff. They also had free stuff we could grab. I got myself a laptop. It didn’t have an operating system so my friend installed Ubuntu on it for me.

    Eventually that laptop and my desktop stopped working and I never used linux again. After reading about linux here I started to miss my Ubuntu laptop and I’d like to try it again, but I don’t want ruin my current laptop like I did with the family computer.

  • hunter2@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    It was Ubuntu 8.04 in around 2013. I only did it to get a promotional item for Team Fortress 2 called Tux, a cosmetic item that looks like… Tux. I remember hating the UI/UX and promptly uninstalled it afterwards.

    Eventually circled back around to Xubuntu for my low-end hardware and various other distros. Currently daily driving Fedora.

  • BreakDecks@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    First intro was Knoppix when I was 12. Used it to bypass limits on library computers, and started learning the command line.

    Dual booted the family computer with Debian when I was 13.

    Played with Fedora and Ubuntu on my own computer when I was 15.

    Hosted my own web communities when I was 16.

    I’m 34 now and I’m 100% Linux. PopOS desktop, and Debian headless preferred.

  • kyub@discuss.tchncs.de
    1 year ago

    SuSE @ 1999, then Slackware in the same year.

    Tried SuSE (bought as a box) as an alternative to the annoying, unstable and insecure Windows 9x, it was also the time when Linux as an alternative desktop OS was starting to get hyped in the media. Especially in regards to stability and security. Well, it wasn’t hard to beat Win9x in those areas. Tried it a bit, didn’t like it that much (I think it was KDE 1.x) and also didn’t understand much of it. I was still intrigued though and wanted to really learn it starting from the commandline, but I felt I couldn’t with all the SuSE stuff like YaST being preinstalled.

    So I bought a big book (by Michael Kofler), it was the de facto standard book for really learning Linux from the ground up back then. And I chose a distribution which would be much more minimalistic (because I felt that makes it easier to learn). So I installed Slackware. I used it for like 3 years and learned a lot (all the basics), it was a hard journey though and other distros started appearing and they promised to be more modern or better than Slackware.

    So I tried Debian next, then Crux, then Arch. This was all around 2002-2006. I can’t remember exactly how long I used each, but I do know I’ve used Slack for quite a lot, then Debian rather shortly, then Crux also not very long (basically I just wanted to test a source based distro but compile times were annoyingly long back in the day), and then it was Arch all the way. Arch was fast, rather simple, always up to date, and it had the great AUR. I didn’t ever look back.

    I did take a break from Linux as my primary OS from approximately 2009 to 2017, mostly due to playing a ton of video games (Windows only, not runnable at all on Linux back then) and also due to my career path making me work with lots of Windows Servers, Powershell and other Microsoft stuff.

    Since about 2017/2018 I’m back to Linux as primary OS (Arch, again) and haven’t looked back since. Even managed to fully delete all physical Windows partitions now (I only keep it in a VM in case I need to test something).

    I’m testing NixOS on my notebook currently, it seems to be “the future”, but my main desktop will probably stay Arch for a bit longer still.

    Looking back at using Slackware early on, I don’t regret it, since I learned a ton, but it was tough using Slackware around the 2000s. I still remember a lot of fighting with programs which wouldn’t compile due to dependency errors or other compilation errors. And a lot of Google searches for various compilation errors leading to rare and hard to understand solutions found in random forum posts. Compared to that, any Linux distro feels like mainstream these days. But it was an efficient way to learn.

  • tallpaul@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    That would have been Slackware, which in those days came on a stack of 3.5" floppy disks. So early 90’s (and hence I was in my mid-30s) but I was still mainly using Windows 3.1 and Trumpet Winsock to connect to the Internet.

    I think the first time I really took it seriously was in the mid 90’s with Debian, a copy of which was posted to me, on CD-ROM I think, by Ian Murdock himself (back in the days when he was still with Debra 😏).

  • Joe Breuer@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Heh, this inspires a neat little bio.

    I had access to then-usual computer-related stuff growing up as a teenager in the late 80’s/early 90’s (C16, C64, Amiga, DOS/Windows on 286/386). One of the nicer things in that environment was a PostScript capable laser (well, LED) printer. At that time struggling with PageMaker and the likes, the possibilities of a page description language fascinated me.

    Later, but still in teenage years, I came across NeXT(STEP) - first through a friend who had one, and its manuals and TeX documents out that PostScript printer like nothing I’d ever seen (done in-house) before. I was hooked. ;-)

    A NeXT computer then became my daily driver through “college” and university, where at the time there also were Unix workstations by HP, Sun and SGI. DOS/Windows was all happening at that time, and it always felt to me like the VHS of operating systems - the technically worst implementation taking the market share.

    When Linux appeared on the scene, I was obviously interested. The first distro I remember was SLS, followed by SlackWare and Red Hat. Mostly for communication/networking (UUCP, PPP, eMail, Usenet, IP connectivity, …) I started to use Red Hat in 1996, with the NeXT keeping its place for its graphical desktop on my personal desk. At the time I started working for a software startup where we used a mix of Linux (Red Hat) and Windows (NT) desktops, and Linux (Red Hat) mostly for servers (some Sun and BSD as well, IIRC). Around 2002(?) maybe I had mostly migrated to Linux also for my home desktop, but I kept the NeXT around for a long time, most specifically because of Diagram!, a predecessor (in spirit) to OmniGraffle.

    Moving to Apple/OS X never sat right with me due to its proprietary, closed-source nature. “It works great when it works. When it doesn’t, you’re even more SOL than on Windows.”

    When Red Hat went EOL in 2004 I looked around for alternatives and most seriously tried out gentoo Linux. I love the flexibility of being able to use one distro with consistent paradigms all the way from (almost) embedded through various server configurations to a fully multimedia capable desktop. I haven’t looked back since, typing this into LibreWolf on a KDE Plasma desktop running on gentoo.

    All the while, I’ve also been using, supporting, and developing for Windows professionally to some degree (in addition to working for/on Linux and other more Unix-y stuff). It’s such a quality of life hit compared to open source - I remember phone calls with prominent Microsoft employees over weird support cases involving DCOM permissions (or rather, bugs therein) - Microsoft’s reply certainly felt quite like de Maizière’s infamous “some of those answers could unsettle too many people” quote, hinting at security through obscurity.

    Whereas in the Linux ecosystem, I can analyze to their root and facilitate taking care of even decidedly weird corner cases.

    One thing I still miss a lot from the NeXTSTEP desktop is its concept of “services”: Global utilities that could/would operate on anything (of suitable data type, e.g. text, image) that is currently selected (and show up in what today would amount to the context menu of the selection, regardless of which program it’s in). In the simplest case, this could be a Wikipedia lookup of the currently selected word. But, services also had the ability to replace the selection, allowing for all manner of things like unit conversions, ‘intelligent’ expansion (what this could do together with ChatGPT!), at-the-fingertips OCR and so on and so forth.