The world’s largest open-source open-data library. ⭐️ Includes Sci-Hub, Library Genesis, Z-Library, and more. 📈 19,348,010 books, 86,614,159 papers, 2,379,209 comics, 508,527 magazines — preserved forever.
The world’s largest open-source open-data library. ⭐️ Includes Sci-Hub, Library Genesis, Z-Library, and more. 📈 19,348,010 books, 86,614,159 papers, 2,379,209 comics, 508,527 magazines — preserved forever.
Personally I DL on a Linux machine and then upload to virus total. If they are clean, then I transfer them to an old android tablet without internet access for reading. If I was reading them on the machine I’d open them in a linux VM, either alpine or fedora silverblue with network aceess disabled.
The state of the art is qubes OS that has a tool to neuter a PDF by taking screenshots and building a new PDF in different VMs.
There’s this program which supposedly will take a PDF and if it’s unsafe make it safe.
I’ve only heard of it today, so I have no idea about its efficacy.
If it works by opening it in a sandbox then taking screenshots or printing it back to a new PDF. It should be good.
Edit: just read the github and it works exactly like this
Ah I forgot about that. I remember when Micah Lee started that years ago and posted about it on twitter.
I must give it a try and see how it performs. Thanks for the reminder