Half of borrowers say they don't earn enough to make student loan payments: poll - eviltoast
  • PortableHotpocket@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I can empathize, I’m in a shitty debt situation myself. But when people make the decision to go to university/college, they need to make that decision with the knowledge of whether or not it will be worthwhile. I say that as someone who has $100k in student debt due to some unfortunate circumstances I ran into while attending.

    I make over 100k a year in return for my education. I will pay off my loans within a few years. I went to school for a job that desperately needs workers, that I knew would pay well enough to justify a large debt. There are too many people going to school for their “dream job” that pays $15 an hour, if they can even get a job after graduation.

    If you didn’t do the cost/benefit analysis and you didn’t do your research, why should the rest of us have to cover for your mistake?

    I definitely understand that there has been a lot of predatory behavior by these schools to lure students in. It’s a problem. But it really doesn’t take a lot of effort to find out how good the job prospects are, and what you’re likely to earn. That’s basic information you could gather with a handful of searches online or by talking to some people in that field. There would be a lot fewer people with student debt if they had done these preliminary investigations and made rational decisions about what they were signing up for.