Nobody Told Me It Got This Gay! - eviltoast

Source is, my beloved!

Anyways, I did a deep dive on some PF2 stuff and how come people didn’t tell me Paizo decided to just go all in on being queer? It’s a nice change of pace from WotC’s very slow process.

    1 year ago

    I remember when WotC did some pro trans PR thing. Someone in the comments was slagging off pathfinder saying “when are they going to include trans characters” Proceeds to get hammered with links from every diverse groups that have existed in pathfinder since forever including a transgender character.

    There are lesbian/gay/etc relationships amongst prominent NPCs including gods. Several of the NPCs in the Sandpoint guide are listed as gay, some openly some closeted.

    The gods themselves can appear as any gender they like (or none), some are listed as typically appearing male, some female, some will switch back and forth and others have no obvious gender.

    Pathfinder didn’t need to make a big song and dance about becoming inclusive because they have been so from the start.