Drinking 3 cups of coffee linked to preventing multiple diseases - eviltoast

WASHINGTON — A new study suggests that your morning brew might be doing more than just perking you up — it could be protecting you from a range of serious heart conditions. Researchers working with the Endocrine Society have found that drinking a moderate amount of coffee is associated with a lower risk of developing multiple cardiometabolic diseases. In simpler terms, your daily cup of coffee (or three) might help ward off conditions like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

“Consuming three cups of coffee, or 200-300 mg caffeine, per day might help to reduce the risk of developing cardiometabolic multimorbidity in individuals without any cardiometabolic disease,” says Dr. Chaofu Ke, the lead author of the study from Suzhou Medical College in China, in a media release.

Source: https://studyfinds.org/3-cups-of-coffee-diseases/

  • Smoogs@lemmy.world
    5 days ago

    Because I personally don’t want to eat 80 grapes. Besides the sugar content of 80 grapes is not healthy. If the alcohol content bothers you just get the non alcoholic wine or even seek out blueberry wine in which you require less for some of the same benefits or don’t. No one is forcing you to drink it. maybe go to alanon and get some management over your emotions around alcohol.