Perhaps the ultimate collection of fake photos - eviltoast

“Oh William, you are so funny!” “Darling, do have another piece of cheese.” “Don’t lick the fucking camera lens.”

How can anybody be so far up their arse to think it’s a good idea to push this nonsense out.

    3 months ago

    How can anybody be so far up their arse to think it’s a good idea to push this nonsense out.

    I mean there’s a substantial % of the population who will be dabbing away the tears with a Kleenex while watching this, so, er, just don’t watch it, I guess?

    I’m not much enthused about the royals, or the endless broadcasts of 22 millionaires having a kickabout every Saturday, or ‘celebs’ trapped in a luxury villa while being pressured to have sex with each other not-quite-on-camera, so I don’t watch them.