Still in development, but certainly a step in the right direction. Seems a perfect runabout vehicle to get you to public transportation and to get groceries on the way home. Hopefully wider adoption can bring the price down. It would also function as a grid connected battery as mentioned in this "Living on Earth " segment.
A youtuber I like has made not one but two videos about Twike, one about a Twike he bought and one about when he visited their HQ
Very entertaining and on point, thanks for sharing.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to have a stationary bike generator at home to help charge a proper EV car than to have it built into the vehicle? That way, you have one device that you can mass produce and that will be useful for everyone, including those who don’t need a vehicle of their own.
the old first generation one did, but the one they’re currently prototyping does not as it is too heavy to move under pedal power only. no, i don’t get it either.
Err that name sounds a bit unfortunate.
Sounds a bit better in German: