Mac infected after sonarr, radarr, Mono and NZBget download - eviltoast
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The original was posted on /r/usenet by /u/chefzoku on 2023-08-27 01:03:32+00:00.

Hi guys, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but I am in a bit of a bind. I downloaded sonarr and Radarr and set them up exactly as the website outlined. As part of sonarr I even downloaded and installed mono all from their respective official website. I then went and created an account with NZBGeek and input that data into sonarr and did a look up and download request for a show.

I was waiting for it to download when I noticed an alert which led me to settings where I had to add a downloader, so I went and downloaded NZBGet. For the life of me I just could not get sonarr and NZBGet to connect no matter what I tried. (This is my first time ever venturing in Usenet) after a couple of restarts I noticed that my wifi was all of a sudden showing me debugging information and now my keyboard (2013 MacBook Pro inbuilt keyboard) was no longer typing out letters but instead special characters making it unusable.

I have tried rebooting, tried to wipe my laptop and even restore from Time Machine but nothing has worked so far. I have deleted all the software but no luck. I am hope one of you beautiful misfits can help with this issue.

Thanks so much for helping!!

Edit: I just know everyone will ask this but I have no idea what a docker is. I just installed all of this on my inbuilt hard disk.