Fixed camera angles: where did they go? - eviltoast

And can we have some more classic fixed camera angle survival horror games where the main gameplay loop is trundling from room to room while looking for keys, please kitty-cri

Ideally with tank controls party-sicko

Though it wasn’t just survival horror that used them in the PS1/PS2 era, they were used in action games, RPGs, adventure games… I will admit the now standard over the shoulder camera and stick controls are a much better fit for anything more action-focused and that dealing with PS2 era 3rd person camera and control implementations can be difficult today like when I revisited War of the Monsters recently.

Not anything needs to be an action game however, and anything with a more leisurely pace can benefit from the cinematic, directed feel you get from fixed cameras, eg. survival horror and RPGs.

I was thinking about this while playing the recent Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse remaster. It exists in a weird place where it looks and plays like a PS2 game but has a over the shoulder camera but basically gained nothing from it except a loss of atmosphere and the interiors feeling more cramped and boxed in.

Maybe a part of why they went away is that playable areas now tend to be much larger and open than they used to be in the PS2 days and not neatly segmented into closed off relatively small spaces that are easier to capture in a few camera angles.