A cool guide to staying calm (without any hacks) - eviltoast
    • Phil_in_here@lemmy.ca
      3 months ago

      I think maybe just get rid of the bogus ones like “sleep” and “take a day off”.

      Everything else you can do with a little time and effort. Most people with 30 minutes can’t opt to sleep in that time, that’d just be 30 minutes of laying down letting your brain try to make up the activity. And even fewer people can afford to say “I’m not coming in to work today”!

    • isaz@feddit.de
      3 months ago

      I think your tips might help well on some level, but not in general. Taking for example burnout: If you are stressed or tired, then one day off sounds like a good thing to do. But a burn out is much, much more, then simply being tired. To suggest that a day off might help against a fully blown burn out is like … suggesting to consume more vitamin A to cure blindness. And it is a bit of a slap in the face of those, who suffer from earnest problems, to read, that they should just take a day off or sleep more, etc. Your tips might be good … on very low level struggles. But they are not (or so I think) the general solution for all the problems you mentioned there. This only as an explanation, why some answers seemed quite negative to you. :)