Should I quit strength/hypertrophy training? (16M) - eviltoast

I started more than a year ago, i used to be a fat fuck, however i lost weight and now am at a pretty decent one, however i would still be classified as ‘skinny fat’, however when it comes to gaining muscle, i cant seem to fucking do it, i m just a teen I cant fully optimize my diet or sleep schedule, my parents dont like me even going to the gym, I cant ask them to make meals with the perfect macros or get me a personal trainer

My 2 friends are at a similar situation to me, however they seem to be progressing fine, both in musculature and strength progression, i for some reason seem to be stuck, in everything, i have tried everything, mixing, reddit ppl, coolcicada ppl, but i have not been progressing for months, as suboptimal my stuff around the gym is i should be atleast progressing somewhat, I even tried creatine but with no results, i also get asked what the fuck do i even do in the gym because i hv nothing to show for it, i used to love going to the gym thats why i was so regular from the day it started, but now it just seems like a chore

These are my current stats Bench Press 50kg (3x5) OHP 35kg (3x5) Deadlifts (95kg)(1x5) Barbell rows 50kg (3x5) Squats 50kg (2x5)(1x3) These are from last week, these has been similar since OCT

I m seriously considering quitting, I have no fucking clue, i still look skinny fat, however nothing seems to work anyway, Id rather quit and do other productive stuff such as my studies

I have around a month left in my membership, i guess i will just do random ass machines to at-least get my moneys worth and machines wont injure me and are easier

    4 months ago

    Try changing things up. I watch Renaissance Periodization on YouTube for a lot of workout science, and doing the same exercise for a really long time can let it get stale, as your body just gets too used to it. Try more variations on the movements, or different isolation exercises. Whatever you do, try it for at least 3-6 months.

        4 months ago

        High squats, low squats, front squats (probably only worth doing with a safety squat bar), deficit deadlift, sumo deadlift, incline/decline press, etc, off the top of my head.

        Also, don’t be afraid to drop some of the main lifts for 3-6 months to let them fully refresh. No one says you need to do OHP to build shoulders, and sometimes taking some time off sets you up to OHP better than ever 6+ months from now.