Flawless logic - eviltoast
  • bionicjoey@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    That’s why in my homebrew setting for PF2e I went the Ebberon route of saying nobody has any hard evidence for their religion. Clerics of every religion believe theirs is the true one, but they can’t prove it. Divine magic is powered by belief, not directly by the gods.

    It also means my world can have much more unique religions, rather than just a reskinned Greek Pantheon. The main faction in my world, primarily made up of humans, dwarves, and halflings are monotheistic, but clerics of different Saints can manifest different domains. The elves are animist and worship nature, believing that every rock is an aspect of the rock god, every river is an aspect of the river god, etc. the orcs worship the so-called Dead Pantheon, believing that the gods have abandoned the world and that the orcs are the inheritors of the land.