Study Says That People Who Like Loud Exhaust Are Psychotic - eviltoast

The study made some strong remarks about the kind of people who would modify their car’s exhaust. If psychopathy and sadism aren’t bad enough, apparently loud truck owners would do even worse.

  • A professor in Ontario, Canada, has released results of a study of people’s attitudes toward loud vehicles.
  • Having asked undergraduate business students whether they think such vehicles are “cool,” the result, not totally surprisingly, was that many of them do.
  • Respondents also scored high on the “psychopathy and sadism” scale, but the study was only for cars. Truck and motorcycle owners, the study suggests, might score even worse.

A new study by Western University in Ontario says that if you’ve got a car with a modified exhaust system, odds are you’re a guy and probably also psychotic and sadistic. Slapping a Cherry Bomb glasspack on your Monte Carlo doesn’t (necessarily) mean you’re a Ted Bundy–level psycho, but the data someone points to a personality that enjoys inflicting unpleasantness on others. The study—catchily titled, “A desire for a loud car with a modified muffler is predicted by being a man and higher scores on psychopathy and sadism”—was commissioned by professor Julie Aitken Schermer, who heard many a loud car in London, Ontario, and wondered what kind of person would want their car exhaust to be louder than normal. She probably could have saved a lot of time by simply looking up Cadillac Escalade-V registrations. …

    4 months ago

    You don’t really seem to understand the argument. It’s OK tho. And not your fault. Some people simply don’t have the ability to understand, or care about something like the common good. As long as there are few enough village idiots like you, society sort of works. It sucks a little bit more, because your little stupid preference is to the detriment to everyone around you. Describing that trait as a human shit-stain, seems pretty spot on to me.

    It would be the same as if you had a thing for smearing shit on every lamp-post. We sort of tolerate the village idiot. It’d be nice if he had the capacity to perhaps… not go around and do that stuff, because, how important is it reaaally to go around smearing shit on things? I suppose we’ll never know. It seems pretty important to him.

    Also, “go find your peace”, is such a fantastic dumb thing to say, I almost want to applaud you. What does that even mean? It is peaceful, except when little Dumb Dumb returns home from their usually like-minded friends at 2AM and still thinks its a good idea to make vroom vroom noises. It’s not a big surprise tho. They weren’t raised properly, or don’t have the social intelligence to understand why it’d be annoying at 2PM, so why would it be any different at 2AM?

    I’d happily go find my peace. It… and this might blow your little mind… the level of “peace”, in society, is at the behest of the weakest little shitstains’ comfort level. You, and those like you, are the low bar.

    Some time ago, I’d attribute it as being selfish. You don’t mind everyone else being annoyed. You simply consider yourself more important. People who work night shifts and get woken up during the day, or just people getting woken up during the night. Anyone with kids, etc. It’s just not considered… Now, I’m more convinced this isn’t so much being selfish… as just … either just having a shit parent(s) who didn’t teach you basic decency, so you simply don’t know. Which, isn’t your fault. The other explanation is that you might just be a little bit sociopathic, so you don’t have the capacity to understand it. Which… is also not your fault. The third explanation is that the lightbulb never shone bright enough to notice anyone around you… you like the vrom vrom, and everything else is just a bit too complicated, and anyone who tries to take away your vroom vrom is stoopid. Also, not your fault.

    If it smells like a shit stain, looks like a shit stain, and talks like one… I guess it doesn’t matter which explanation fits you. It doesn’t even matter if you understand why. You simply are. Whether you want to do something about it, meh, odds are you won’t. But if you think you are anything other than a piece of shit that annoys everyone around you… lol. You don’t really understand much of anything, and I’m a bit sorry for anyone decent in your life.

    Cheers. Be better. Shouldn’t be hard. The bar is fucking low.

      4 months ago

      Of course he doesn’t understand. He has decades of experience intentionally not understanding things.