LemmyGrad’s attitude on veganism - eviltoast

I really DO NOT want to start a shitfest here between anyone on LemmyGrad and Hexbear. Please don’t take this anywhere else and just keep any complaints to this thread. If you’re an omni/carnist that stumbled across this post, read the sidebar before responding.

I only want to ask- has anyone else experienced people being really hostile to veganism on LemmyGrad? Like they seem to only really tolerate it insofar that it doesn’t contradict any specific flavor of Marxist ideology they have, and then when it does, they prioritize the ideology over veganism as if, because it’s referred to as Marxist, it is objectively correct

They then treat any kind of vegan argument as pure moralism unless it appeals to their utilitarian sense of human superiority. One of them accused me of literally being a fucking Nazi because I pointed out that the same argument used to justify human “superiority” is the same that Nazis use about white people.

I’ve experienced this kind of shit twice now, and it always reeks of the same weird carnist excuses, just with a Marxist bent to them

As someone who made this account on LemmyGrad before Hexbear even federated, this is honestly extremely annoying and I don’t know how this level of disrespect for veganism grew to such a degree