How I Defeated Fascism With the Power of Love - eviltoast

source: unknown

    5 months ago

    First of all, “love yourself first” can be interpreted in various ways. bell hooks certainly meant it in a truly revolutionary, not a individualistic or distractive way.

    What you describe sounds awfully much like how the boomer generation has approached live. For ever running away from personal problems by always keeping busy and distracting themselves. Sure, at least you are fighting fascism. A lot of leftists I know put all their energy into activism until they burn out. And often I suspect that they are running away from their own problems.

    And sure, spending all your time with trying to self-love is obviously not the solution either. But it sure would help so much if people would reflect more upon their own emotional state and be more compassionate with themselves and others. This is not to say that we don’t need activism to stop fascists though.