How I Defeated Fascism With the Power of Love - eviltoast

source: unknown

    5 months ago

    Fighting fascism is getting my shit together (if you’d bothered reading past that first sentence you might actually hear that my “shit” being the way it is is down to systemic issues, and no amount of “self work” can “get it together”).

    The neat thing about generalities such as “love yourself first” or “you have to learn to swim before you help others from drowning” is that they aren’t specified towards anyone’s specific circumstances…

    It seems that you are taking a general statement and making them all about your specific life circumstances, which to be honest seem fairly melodramatic.

    my “shit” being the way it is is down to systemic issues, and no amount of “self work” can “get it together”).

    Lots of us deal with systemic issues, you’re not the only minority in the US. Plenty of us still work to overcome the systemic abuse handed down to us by an uncaring or even malevolent state.

    get out of the fucking pond, help those around you out, so together you can all turn off the sewage pipe, and then get to cleaning up each other, and the pond. That is self care.

    No one is saying you should be a self centered ass who doesn’t help or care about anyone else. Just that people are fragile beings that need to be able to acknowledge they aren’t a bottomless well of praxis.

    Lots of people burn themselves out of the leftist movement, mainly by throwing the entirety of their effort towards a goal for a year or two and then becoming bitter or jaded that their hard work is not only unappreciated, but ineffective.

    Revolution is a marathon, not a sprint. You have to learn to pace yourself.