Sleight of hand in combat - eviltoast

I am running a Tabaxi rogue that is currently 4th level.

In a recent fight, purely to piss off the leader of a band of thugs, my character ran in the 20ft and lifted his gold pouch (lucky roll 19, for a total of 26), then proceeded to bonus action disengage. The feline agility racial ability allows me to double speed for a round, so was able to disengage to a distance of 40ft.

The DM was totally ok with this, I didn’t actually do any damage and I “wasted” my turn for flavor and fun.

I get that you can’t use slight of hand to perform a disarm, but what is are your thoughts on lifting daggers/arrows/spell components etc…which are not being held by an enemy?

This could be very OP if I’m allowed to steal a wizards components pouch, rendering them significantly less of a threat.

    10 months ago

    Since you use it a lot, I think it’s worth telling you it’s “sleight” of hand. Slight of hand would mean you have small hands like a certain political grifter.

    “Sleight” and “feint” (which is basically sleight of hands for sports, you’re using similar misdirection and speed) are both spelled “ei,” which makes them good mnemonics for each other.