Why This Man is a Messiah for Hundreds of Tribals Dying Due to Incurable Silicosis - eviltoast

She worked in a ramming mass industry. As part of this, she would be exposed to silica dust all day. I remember that whenever she would come home in the evening, she would be completely covered in dust — her hair, clothes, all her body. It would get a little difficult for us to recognise her. Sadly, Laxmi’s mother could not be saved. “She was just 33. All this pain was for Rs 80-100 wage per day.

Silicosis is an incurable lung disease caused by the inhalation of dust containing silica crystals found commonly in quartzite, granite, basalt, sandstone, agate, slate marble, and building materials like fire bricks and tiles. This exposes workers in dust-generating sites like factories, mining and construction sites to a high risk of contracting the disease, which leads to prolonged illness and painful death.