Hi, I’m looking for flexible PCBs compatible with the 5x7 Dactyl Manuform (Carbonfet variant). Does anyone know if any are available online? Thanks!
Hi, I’m looking for flexible PCBs compatible with the 5x7 Dactyl Manuform (Carbonfet variant). Does anyone know if any are available online? Thanks!
Thanks so much for the reply!
It looks like I would need to buy three 5x6 PCBs to cover two 5x7 Dactyl Manuforms. I noticed that you have two units of the 5x6 Wired remaining so I’ll have to wait until there’s a restock. Any estimates on when? Thanks!
Wired I can do more of. Just order two I have spares for the extras I’ll gladly just include. The actual cost in time is minimal for the extras.