The Buffoon el Primo (formerly known as Portrait of Sebastián de Morra) Diego Velasquez (1644) - eviltoast

The Portrait of Sebastián de Morra is a painting by Diego Velázquez of Sebastián de Morra, a court dwarf and jester at the court of Philip IV of Spain. It was painted around 1644 and is now in the Prado in Madrid. Not much is documented about De Morra’s life, other than the fact that he was brought to Spain by Philip IV in 1643 and served the court for six years before his death in 1649. It was not until Velázquez became a court painter that he showed dwarfs with a warmer and naturalistic style compared to previous paintings. De Morra looks directly at the viewer, motionless, making no hand gestures, leading one critic to suggest that the painting represents a denunciation of the court’s treatment of de Morra and other dwarfs. Recently discovered inventories and previous documents relating to De Morra reveal that he was also known by a nickname, El Primo.

From Wikipedia.

Personally this picture reminds me of the actor Peter Dinklage, it one of his more melancholy roles.