Its not unconditional if it has conditions - eviltoast
  • jan
    6 months ago

    Jesus accounts for everybody, including those who lived and died before He came here. That’s what the animal sacrifices were for, they were a symbol of what Jesus was going to do. God didn’t create evil, evil is a natural byproduct of free will. Yes He created us and He created that tree, but we had a choice. When you speed and get a fine, is it your fault (because you did it) or is it the car company’s fault (because they made a car that can go that fast and then sold it to you)? Heaven isn’t just about living forever, it’s mostly about being with God forever, and if you want to be with Him for all eternity, why wouldn’t you want to be with Him now? Hell isn’t a place of eternal suffering, it’s being apart from God forever. Everybody has plenty of time and chances to make that choice, and everybody is judged only by what they can do.

      6 months ago

      God placed us next to the tree prior to humanity having any knowledge of good or evil. God knew what was going to happen. Would you punish a child and all that child’s descendants for eating candy if you left them next to a bag? Only a psychopath would give out punishments like that.

      God created free will therefore god created evil. God is therefore evil. God genocided an entire planet despite murder being evil. God is therefore evil. It’s not complicated and you talking in circular logic and platitudes doesn’t make you correct.