Its not unconditional if it has conditions - eviltoast
    6 months ago

    He wants to forgive us?? Then he could do it. He’s all powerful, all knowing after all. What do I have to be forgiven for? Original sin? Give me a break.

    How many hoops do you need to jump through to arrive at a christian conclusion? How many times did you have to be told to believe in something unprovable and invisible?

    Your fervent beliefs are likely held less strongly than some Hindus, Muslims, Jews, etc. They are ALL sure that you are wrong, just as you they. Can’t you see the futility of pretending to know something unknowable? If you had been born somewhere else, you would perhaps hold completely different views just as strongly.

    You blindly place your trust in other humans who are telling you to believe in something utterly impossible. You really think they have translated divine will over millennia? Let alone accurately? If the devil exists, then he lives in the utter hubris of humanity. To think that we can know the unknowable.

    Isn’t it convenient that the “devil” is responsible for sowing the seeds of doubt. Isn’t it convenient that no matter what logic and reason you apply, your religion can merely hand-wave and say it isn’t for us to know? Are you satisfied with non-answers and manipulation of your emotions?

    You’re being duped. I genuinely hope you can find your way out.


    A formerly brainwashed Catholic child