By almost every economic and financial measure, parting ways with the EU almost eight years ago has been disastrous for the UK. Is there no end in sight?
I look at the situation - strategically, economically, socially - and it makes me want to scream, the UK never understood how good they had it with the pound/euro deal and it’s prominence in policy - and that’s gone, bye bye. Any Britain that does go back will be very different - and I think it may eventually end up being that after Scotland leaves for the EU. And never count out the Welsh, they may follow Scotland too.
This is all very well put.
I look at the situation - strategically, economically, socially - and it makes me want to scream, the UK never understood how good they had it with the pound/euro deal and it’s prominence in policy - and that’s gone, bye bye. Any Britain that does go back will be very different - and I think it may eventually end up being that after Scotland leaves for the EU. And never count out the Welsh, they may follow Scotland too.
Still, it’ll take a crisis or a war or something.