I dont like gravel - eviltoast

I don’t like gravel. That’s it.

  • noisy
  • scatters all over the neighborhood.
  • hard to walk on
  • dogs and cats crap in it
  • kids chuck it around and put it in their mouth.
  • doesn’t even look good.
  • difficult and heavy to remove once you have come to terms will all of the above.

Gravel advocates… explain your case for gravelling your garden/drive.

Gravel sceptics, feel free to share your distaste.

  • VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca
    7 months ago

    Yes, my neighbor installed a cute post fence so the previous tenant would not drive his truck over his lawn. The fence has a gravel base. I get rocks on my lawn across a two car wide driveway. They sometimes manage to fling from under my lawnmower at crazy speed aiming at cars and people randomly. It happens so rarely you get to let your guard go and then BAM.