Generative A.I - We Aren’t Ready. - eviltoast
    7 months ago

    Do you care that you may soon be having discussions/arguments with chatbots more often than not on popular platforms like Reddit, X, YouTube, etc?

    I wouldn’t mind it as much if these chatbots weren’t being used for nefarious purposes, like mass data collection, tracking, influencing, and privacy violations. Other than that, if it walks like a human, talks like a human, and we are convinced it’s a human, is there anything wrong with that? It might as well be human. This is going to become more and more of a big question as we get closer to AGI. An AGI isn’t going to suddenly “wake up” and become self aware one day. All these systems are slowly inching towards it. There’s not going to be a clean line between “just a program mimicking a human” and “a fully self-aware entity”. It’s up to us to determine that, and there’s no hard rules to determine that, because it falls into the “problem of other minds” philosophical concept.