I don't want to use ternaries - eviltoast
  • aidan@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Reminds me when my I did all my homework using list comprehension, ternary operations, and lambda expressions because it was boring. Here’s an example

    def task03( matrix ):
        print((new_matrix := [[ (y if y != 0 else ( temp := sum([r[j] for r in matrix[0:i]] + x[j:]), zeros_sum := (zeros_sum if 'zeros_sum' in locals() else 0) + temp)[0] ) for j,y in enumerate(x)] for i,x in enumerate(matrix)], '\n'.join( [ ' '.join([str(new_matrix[o][p]) for p in range(0 if len(matrix[0]) <= 20 else len(matrix[0])-20, len(matrix[0]))]) for o in range(0 if len(matrix) <= 20 else len(matrix)-20, len(matrix))  ] ) + '\n' + str(zeros_sum) )[1] )