Without using pronouns (me, he, she, it, etc) or articles (a, an, the), how did you come up with your user name? - eviltoast

Essentially, I want us to sound like cavemen.

I’ll start:

HomesliceAbe was playing Mario kart and HomesliceAbe’s dad couldn’t think of name of one of courses (HomesliceAbe thinks name was "Moonview Highway?). HomesliceAbe’s dad called course “Homeslice Highway” and HomesliceAbe thought new name was hilarious. Also, HomesliceAbe is big fan of Abraham Lincoln.

  • Shurf116@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Shurf116 was 15. Shurf116 took character name from favorite book and added random number which Shurf116 liked. Shurf116 still has that name because why not. And because name always free.