Vigil: The Longest Night withdrawn from platforms amidst Chinese concerns - eviltoast
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The original was posted on /r/games by /u/seankao31 on 2023-08-10 16:46:24+00:00.

Quoting directly from the developer team themselves.



We are Glass Heart Studio from Taiwan. Last month, our game “Vigil: The Longest Night” was unexpectedly removed from multiple platforms. We would like to provide an update on the situation:

  1. ⁠This decision was not made on our part. The authority to publish on platforms is currently held by the former publisher, Neon Doctrine. As early as 2021, when we released an update for “ASOMROF,” Neon Doctrine expressed concerns that the term “ASOMROF” was a reversal of “FORMOSA” and could potentially cross political red lines, particularly, China’s. They reported this to Steam, claiming that it contained elements of Taiwanese history which might violate China’s regulations, leading to the removal of the game from Steam’s China region.
  2. ⁠Vigil was a completely self-funded and original creation, with full control of the related content. During our crowdfunding campaign back in 2018, we unveiled our plan to create a “FORMOSA”-derived DLC named "ASOMROF, quite a while before reaching any contract or agreements with Neon Doctrine. This DLC was designed to encompass Taiwanese cultural elements, set against the backdrop of Fort Zeelandia, and offering a unique gaming experience. Our explanation of “ASOMROF” was shared multiple times in news articles and on social media, and Neon Doctrine acknowledged that their team member in Taiwan was aware of it.
  3. ⁠Subsequently, Neon Doctrine escalated their actions without prior notice, withholding significant revenue, and removing our backend update access. These actions were even further elevated to unauthorized sales of game keys and merchandise on external platforms, including the China Phoenix platform, even when the game itself was removed from Steam China’s region. When reported to the authorities and legal action was undertaken, Neon Doctrine’s response was to simply remove these products from the platforms without providing any reasonable explanations or compensations.

We initiated a lawsuit on October 14, 2021; legal victories on our part subsequently led to contract terminations and injunctions with Neon Doctrine, with separate courts overseeing the return of the game, yet ongoing appeals and investigations into unauthorized sales have further complicated the situation. We remain in the dark regarding the recent abrupt removal of the game from all platforms, and are yet to receive any explanation from Neon Doctrine.

Despite the uncertainty of the legal proceedings and their outcomes, we are resolute in exploring all avenues of recourse. Our struggle transcends borders, championing justice and creative freedom globally. While we acknowledge the potential legal ramifications of this statement, we stand by our convictions that gaming integrity and creativity must transcend political disparities and petty nationalism. We kindly request your assistance in spreading this message and would like to express our deepest gratitude for your support and understanding. We hope that one day we can bring “Vigil: The Longest Night” back to you.


End of quote.

My footnote:

It’s a classic Taiwanese experience, to be honest. This happens in all industry all the time. At times, it’s not even the direct interference from the Chinese government. Instead, it’s self-censorship based on the vague boundaries set by the Chinese “red line,” imposed by different parties. And they always come out on top.

Seasoned teams often include clauses in their contracts to sidestep such situations. However, even then, it’s challenging because the criteria are so ambiguous that they’re difficult to articulate clearly. In this case, the team won the lawsuit, but their game is essentially still under the bad party’s control. It’s not that simple.

Indie game development is challenging, and my heart goes out to Glass Heart Studio for facing this ordeal. I’m sharing this information in response to some queries I’ve seen in various subreddits about the game’s disappearance. I want to support the team, even though I’m uncertain about the best way we can assist.