Please share some happy nostalgic gaming memories. - eviltoast
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The original was posted on /r/games by /u/salaryboy on 2023-08-11 04:54:21+00:00.

A few of mine:

  • My brother somehow got Toys R Us to give him SNES Street Fighter 2 the day before release, for my birthday. We must have played thousands of hours in his room.
  • Randomly finding Super Mario Bros 3 on an arcade machine in Pizza Hut before it was released in the US, and playing for hours.
  • Getting 35 wins in a row on MK3 at the arcade, with all the adults lining up to beat me.
  • Attempting to jump over the fence and escape the ranch on Epona (the Horse) in Zelda Ocarina of time–my jaw dropped when it actually worked. Same goes for super bombing the glass tube in Super Metroid.
  • Renting GTA 3 with my friend and staying up playing until 10AM.
  • The moment I realized I could no longer beat my son at Mario Kart, even trying my hardest.