I mean, that thing drops pretty quickly when it moves.
Only when somebody is right underneath. Then it returns to its starting point.
Finally a clue about the life cycle of the Thwomp.
And the sounds matches too
smh here i go making a silicone mold again
More fibres.
When you spell it like that, it just classes it right up. “I’m eatin’ mah roughage” sounds so coarse. But you’re like “I am consuming mon fibres, s’il vous plaît.”
I’ve Ulcerative Colitis. I know that feeling.
I suppose that is a technically correct contraction of “I have”, but it looks so strange.
That’s because it isn’t.
(No, I won’t go into a discussion how language changes and things that used to be mistakes are no fine and yaddayadda. In today’s standard English you cannot contract ‘I have’ if ‘have’ is not an auxiliary verb.)
Note that the have verb is not contracted in writing when it is the main verb in a sentence and means “to possess.”
Do toilet poltergeists stalk you and turn normal chairs into toilets, like in those commercials? Or are those, like, not an entirely accurate depiction of the condition?