The major events of the Edo Period run through both Uwu and OwO-fier and also emojifier - eviltoast

O-oh, suwwe!? OwO the 🤘🤣 x3 edo sees bulge pewiod in japan 🎑 was a weawwy x3 i-intewesting 😊 time, 🕡 uwu. It wasted fwom 1603 UwU t-to 1868, owo, and i-it 😀 was a time 🕜 of wewative peace ✌️ and stabiwity uwndew the 🤣 x3 wuwwe of the 🫵🫵🫵 x3 tokuwgawa shoguwnyate, x3 uwu. Hewe awe some majow events 🎫 and devewopments:

estabwishment of the 🤘 x3 tokuwgawa shoguwnate: in 1603, w tokuwgawa ieyasuw b-became the 🤣 x3 shoguwn and estabwished his 👋 guvwnment in edo sees bulge (modewn-day tokyo), owo. This mawked w the 🫵 x3 beginnying ;;w;; of the 🤘 x3 edo sees bulge pewiod.

sakokuw notices buldge powicy: the 🤣🫵 x3 tokuwgawa shoguwnyate impwemented UwU a powicy screams of sakokuw, ow (・`ω´・) “cwosed couwntwy,” boops your nose which westwicted foweign twade and contact with the 🤣 x3 ouwtside wowwd, uwu. This was meant t-to contwow foweign infwuwence and maintain domestic stabiwity.

devewopment of edo sees bulge (tokyo): walks away undew tokuwgawa wuwwe, edo sees bulge gwew into onye of the 🤣 x3 wawgest cities 🌃 in the 🤘 x3 wowwd, owo. It b-became a centew of cuwwtuwwe, commewce, and the 🤘🤣 x3 awts, sweats uwu.

cuwwtuwwaw walks away fwouwwishing: the 🤣 x3 edo sees bulge pewiod saw 🪚🪚🪚 a fwouwwishing of a-awts and cuwwtuwwe, uwu. Kabuwki theatew, uwkiyo-e w-w-woodbwock pwints, and haikuw poetwy notices buldge aww b-became p-p-popuwwaw duwwing this time. 🕡🕧 sweats the 🤣 shimabawa rebewwion: in 1-1-1637-1638, thewe was a majow webewwion in the 🤣 x3 shimabawa penyinsuwwa wed by chwistian peasants, owo. the 🤣🫵 runs away tokuwgawa shoguwnyate bwuwtawwy suwppwessed the 🤣 x3 webewwion, weading t-to the 🤣 x3 p-pewsecuwtion of chwistians OwO and the 🤘 x3 fuwwthew t-t-tightenying of contwow uvw society. starts twerking the 🤣 gweat fiwe of meiweki: in 1657, :3 a massive fiwe swept thwouwgh edo, uwu. It destwoyed muwch of the 🫵🤘 x3 city 🇻🇦 and w-wesuwwted in the 🤘 x3 deaths 🪦 of tens 🕥🕙 of thouwsands of peopwe.

the 🫵 awwivaw of commodowe pewwy: looks at you in 1853, commodowe matthew p-pewwy of the 🫵🤘 x3 unyited whispers to self states 🇺🇸 a-a-awwived in japan 🎑⛩️ with a fweet of wawships, owo. This event 🎫🎫🎫 eventuwawwy wed t-to the 🫵 x3 openying 📂 of japan ⛩️ t-to foweign twade and the 🫵 x3 cowwapse of the 🤘 x3 tokuwgawa s-shoguwnyate.