How do I manage my inbox? - eviltoast

I will soon start a new job where I expect to receive significantly more emails than I do currently. So far, I haven’t had a system in place, except for marking emails as unread until I respond and occasionally using flags.

I would like to change that practice, now that I have a clean slate. But how do I start managing my inbox?

I use Mac Mail and would like to continue using it. I know how to set up rules and create smart mailboxes etc., but I can’t really see the potential.

Thank you!

    2 years ago

    I use outlook at work but again it’s more about the process.

    My inbox is my “to do” list. I have lots of folders and subfolders and I file everything. Once a day I try to take a few minutes to file stuff that’s been dealt with.

    I do also file some "sent"mail too as I’m kinda CYA cautious like that.

    I get a bit stressed if my inbox gets to the point where I have to scroll down through it - that tells me I need to delegate, file or close out some items.

    Some people never file anything and just use the search function in whatever email client they’re in, but I’m a bit old and never had that function in the early days so it doesn’t come naturally to me - an inbox with 20,000 messages in it just freaks me out.

    I also use the conversation function which keeps everything tied together regardless of which folder it’s in.

    Trial and error. You don’t have to stick to a routine or method - if it’s not working for you, change something until it does.

      2 years ago

      Very similar to my own methods, right down to filing important Sent items. This can come in extremely useful when it’s your word against another (often senior) colleagues, that you had reported a concern. Being able to quickly recall what and when was said can shut down an argument before it has blossomed.