If you have “Help” instead of “Ins”, replace it with Overgod-tier. Keep pressing it, it will come.
OC, feel free to share.
EDIT; Home is now G-od tier. I didn’t know it would go to the beginning of a line, I always used macros “lol”.
If you have “Help” instead of “Ins”, replace it with Overgod-tier. Keep pressing it, it will come.
OC, feel free to share.
EDIT; Home is now G-od tier. I didn’t know it would go to the beginning of a line, I always used macros “lol”.
Here’s the code I wrote:
#include "Keyboard.h" const char FUNCTION_F14 = 0xF1; int down = 0; void setup() { // make pin 2 an input and turn on the // pullup resistor so it goes high unless // connected to ground: pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); // initialize control over the keyboard: Keyboard.begin(); } void loop() { int nowDown = digitalRead(2) == LOW; if (down != nowDown) { down = nowDown; if (down) { Keyboard.press(FUNCTION_F14); } else { Keyboard.release(FUNCTION_F14); } } }
Note that the #include was meant to use angle brackets, but Lemmy ate them. If this doesn’t work, change it back to angle brackets around the Keyboard.h instead of quotes.
Also, the parts I used:
I wired it up like in the photo, and just laid it on a bed of hot glue so the USB port sticks out the hole. I had intended to get a mini USB extension cable inside the pedal, but the one I ordered turned up defective, and this worked out just fine.
Excellent. Thanks for digging this up.
I’m just wondering what you used to bind F14 to do something on your PC? Some companion application?
I just noticed lemmy didn’t like the #include statement because it uses angle brackets. I tried to update it but it doesn’t look right, so I’m going to change it to quotes which should work the same, I believe. I’m not a C expert, I usually code in C#.