Carnivore cringe (CW: Carnivore diet) - eviltoast

Facebook and Reddit posts about pretty bad problems on the carnivore diet

I’ve been doing a deep dive on this carnivore diet stuff, since I have developed a pretty sick interest in it lately. It seemed like the worst idea ever on its head, but as there are no real studies on it, all I had to look at was testimonials about how this is the greatest diet ever, a cure all for every disease ever.

Horror stories would sneak through occasionally, and other problems on the diet - ranging from low libido up to people having a stroke - but these were few and far between. And of course they were waved away by carnivore people as “body adjusting,” “not doing it right,” “actually that’s an issue of your previous western diet, not this one,” and of course, “oh yeah just up your supplement intake and take all these other alternative drugs, that’ll straighten you out.”

There were of course plant-based people debunking these folks, but I wanted to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth that this diet had issues that were being glossed over by the carnivore community.

I did find this video that had some folks talking about health issues (CW: crazy medical issues), including that dude at the end, who I think was once a big name in the carnivore community, saying carnivore people blocked and ostracized ex-carnivore people (and they were even worse about it than vegans towards ex-vegans!! very big of him to say!). But the medical miracles outweighed the horror stories by a large margin.

I’m very wary on anecdote of course, and that’s all these people have. I used to work with a bunch of Weston A. Price people, and they loved to tout their ancestral traditional diet, and how it was so much healthier and gave them so much energy, even though I (again just anecdotally) seemed to be much healthier than any of them on my shitty western diet with a ton of junk food and always did most of the work around that godforsaken place. The carnivore diet seems like related to Weston A. Price stuff (although even Sally Fallon says she doesn’t recommend it lol), so I was doubtful based on my experience with people like this.

Anyway I finally found this account that backed up many of my suspicions that this wasn’t the miracle diet people were claiming it was. I don’t know why I needed this to prove it to myself since it’s pretty obviously a shitty diet, but anyway thought some people might be interested in this.

If you know of anywhere else documenting issues with this diet, I’d love to know, since this diet is pretty new and there’s not much info on it besides from proponents.