[release] version 1.1.2 is out! - eviltoast

Thank to all those who participated in the program, even in these very busy days of celebrations. I tried to keep an eye on every feedback and managed to find some time for a couple of implementations that I had been postponing for too long, and here is the result.

In this version you will be able to see other users’ bio and moderated communities, in a sheet similar to the community info that can be accessed from the user detail. More info here.

Additionally, instead of the option “share URL from original instance”, whenever there is an ambiguity in the share URL, you’ll be able to choose from a bottom sheet the URL you want to share. More info here.

Since answering is one of the most frequent actions and some users reported not finding it easy to find how to access it, a third “swipe towards the left” action has been added to quickly reply to posts and comments, with customizable action color. More info here. Moreover, in posts and comments (both when creating and editing) you can now choose the language. More info here.

I’ve taken the opportunity to fix pagination and navigation from the side drawer, as well as cross-post opening in guest mode, as per your reports. And since it wasn’t enough, I also took the chance to finally migrate to the Voyager-Koin integration and remove a lot of boilerplate code in ViewModel dependency injection. More info here. The support has been there for months but I have never had the time to do it.

Finally, I created a Matrix space and added a quick link in the “About” dialog. More info here. Discussions are also opened on GitHub so feel free to use whatever way you find easier.