“And what about grocery shopping?”
I’m still learning, and I still need a car for a lot of things, but this is still greatly satisfying!
“E come fai a fare la spesa in #bici”?
Sto ancora imparando e posso migliorare, comunque non posso rinunciare alla macchina, però sono belle soddisfazioni!
@kidpixo great setup, it’s a shame that I can0t see the picture from Mastodon, but I can from lemmy 😕
Very nice panniers BTW
@lgvs @kidpixo@lemmy.world @bikecommuting you’re right, I’m answering on mastodon right now.
Those are a couple of Ortlieb Classic Back Roller, now almost 12 years old and slowly starting to rip …
How can I post picture visible from both sides?
from looking around, it looks like it’s still a hit and miss thing, depending on versions of server software and luck. Maybe it will work in the future
@kidpixo@lemmy.world @bikecommuting