I thought there'd be more resistance to Roe v Wade being killed - eviltoast

When it was killed off there were protests but they died off pretty quickly. There was that one group of people/ndividual who was firebombing anti-abortion centres for a couple of months but it stopped almost immediately. I guess maybe the intelligence services got too close to them and the group got spooked? Since then nothing of the sort has happened. There hasn’t been any major form of direct resistance or action against the enforcement of anti-abortion laws whatsoever as far as I can tell. Am I wrong/missing some major events and organising?

I guess I am in no place to speak as here in the UK we’re also having our rights eroded and I am clueless as to how to stop it, but still, I thought there’d be rioting! I thought there’d be more violent protests like there were in Mexico and Poland about abortion laws. There has been nothing and it seems to have just been an unparalleled and unchallenged victory for the religious right.

Am I wrong?