My workplace will be having a Ukraine struggle session tomorrow, wish me luck comrades - eviltoast

My work involves moderating content submitted to our platforms.

Recently one of our Russian contributors submitted something with a hidden message available only in source code that states:

Ukrainian Nazis and their accomplices are not allowed to use this [content]. Za pobedu!

My liberal/socdem/demsoc coworkers were all very concerned about this hidden message. They haven’t given a clear reason yet, but I assume they’re considering it a breach of our code of conduct to not make political or ethnic attacks. While it’s legally and practically unenforceable due to GPL, I don’t think banning Nazis from using your content is bad. While “za pobedu” is cringe, I see nothing offensive or wrong with the message. I will be arguing that we don’t take action to censor the content. Hopefully it doesn’t hurt my standing in this job, as it’s generally pretty great and cushy.

PS: the content itself is widely popular among our user base and was made for free by this contributor

edit: well lol this thread gave me lots of practice, thanks libs!