Super Dog! - eviltoast

<table> <tr><td> <a href=“”> <img src=“;crop=smart&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=1dd492ad9e9c477563d24a433b01564c81deaa8c” alt=“Super Dog!” title=“Super Dog!” /> </a> </td><td> <!-- SC_OFF --><div class=“md”><p>Just finished my first led garment - Suits you sir!. The coat is fitted with 8 ip67 ws2812b strips that go to form an 8x8 matrix. A layer of light foam was placed over the top to aid light defusion. Followed by extremely fine black netting to give a black background to the lights It's powered by a pocket mobile phone power bank which means I have to be quite creative with my patterns to avoid exceeding 500 milliamps.</p> <p>Finally, my thanks to Darcie for modelling it so well :-)</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href=“”> /u/CharlesGoodwin </a> <br/> <span><a href=“”>[link]</a></span> <span><a href=“”>[comments]</a></span> </td></tr></table>