How come weed makes my mind sharper? - eviltoast
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The original was posted on /r/nostupidquestions by /u/G3tar on 2023-12-26 15:39:24+00:00.

When I started smoking weed I thought Ill be glued to the couch but the opposite happened.

I remember I was playing a match in some competitive game and I was having a bad performance day and those really really suck so thought “fuck it might as well smoke it up” after the match. 5 minutes later I find another match and I am suddenly playing 10x better than before and it feels like a veil has been lifted off my mind.

I thought it was some kind of fluke so I tried recreating a similar scenario, I was playing an instrument and felt like my hands werent listening to me and I wasnt able to play stuff Id consider easy. I was having another bad performance day (this time a different activity but it doesnt matter), 5 minutes after smoking some weed I can suddenly play even better than usual. This is pretty consistent and feels like a cheat code.

Im able to go into a deeper state of focus and for longer, my body feels more responsive anddoing things like chores becomes much easier.

I have very mixed feelings about this, on the one hand I finally found a way for me to perform more consistently on a high level at some things but if I dont have weed I cant do anything and I hate it. I feel like something is wrong with me.

I thought it might have to do something with the fact that I was diagnosed with ADHD and maybe weed made my mind slower and more relaxed but after reading other peoples accounts who have ADHD and smoked weed, some people hate it and some people swear by it. Idk what to think but my goal is to be able to control my body and mind better while sober but tbh after 22 years of living I doubt I can do that.

EDIT: as I expected, people are divided and theres no real answer anywhere… Some affirm me and say that they have the same experience meanwhile others call me delusional for thinking this way. I like to think that Im rational and level headed most of the time but who knows maybe I actually am delusional. Time to go talk with a professional, thanks reddit :)