i recently visited Morocco - eviltoast

that’s it, i just wanted to say that it is a beautiful country with nice people and good food. I visited Oujda and went to one of these big markets filled with stuff of all kind, fish, sweets, spices, clothing etc. it was very crowded but an interesting experience. Our tour guide was a very interesting and educated woman. She explained to us (westerners) the neo-colonial grip and its effects on the ““francophone africa””" france still has and how french companies are still robbing Morocco of its resources making the country poorer than it actually is…that morocco is in fact not poor but over exploited (yes Parenti reference) even after their “independence”. Sadly my family didnt take her seriously and shook it off by saying “uhh she is just blaming france for every problem country has…its all just the fault of moroccan corrupt politicians”. Western education has failed us on purpouse by not educating us on the long lasting effects of colonialism and neo-colonial relationships of western countries with the global south. I wish Moroccans all the best, it was an honour visiting your land and i hope you will free yourselves of your chains in the near future.