Dynamic stretching as a warmup? - eviltoast

Hey Swoletariat


I’m looking into incorporating dynamic stretching as a warmup before lifting my weights. Currently my warmup is honestly horrid as it consists of only my main compound lift. I’m currently doing a StrongLifts 5x5 3 week split as I only have acess to a barbell and weightplates, but I’m looking into switching to PPL once I get some adjustable dumbells.

Anyways I’ve noticed that as my lifts get heavier my performance degrades and a big culprit of that I believe is the inadequate warmup. I want to get a warmup routine going and I know in the past dynamic stretching has worked for me.

So I come to you for some help; does anyone have any recommendations or plan for a dynamic stretching routine I can adopt into my warmup session pre-lifting?