NASA revises contract strategy for ISS deorbit vehicle - eviltoast

In a procurement notice posted Dec. 5, NASA announced it would allow companies the choice of using either firm fixed price or cost plus incentive fee contract structures for both the design and the production of the U.S. Deorbit Vehicle (USDV).

When NASA issued the original request for proposals (RFP) for the vehicle in September, the agency gave bidders a choice. They could propose to develop the vehicle using a cost-plus contract and then produce it under a fixed-price contract, a so-called “hybrid” approach. Alternatively, they could propose doing both development and production under fixed-price contracts.

The revised approach now adds an option to perform both the development and the production under cost-plus contracts. NASA, in both the procurement notice and a blog post, did not disclose the reason for the change.

NASA has also revised the deadline for submitting proposals. The agency originally requested proposals to be submitted by Nov. 17, with a single award expected in April 2024. NASA later extended the proposal deadline to Dec. 14. With this change, NASA has pushed back the deadline to Feb. 12, with an award expected in late May or early June.