In a homebrew world how much lore is minimum to have as a player before you feel you can play in it? - eviltoast

Edit sorry I was way to vague and bad explained question. But great explanation everyone.

If you start playing as a player in a homebrew world that I built. How little information would you feel needed to be able read before you can build a character in it?

I have been planing to start looking for players soon but I struggling as I don’t want to give them a whole novel of mostly boring lore dump but sending them like two sentients feels just silly.

Not to mention would you as a player like reference to other mediums so you could quickly know what to expect or would you rather have a in game view of it?

    11 months ago

    Give them no more than a page. However, you should also be able to boil your setting down to a sentence. “It’s kinda somewhere between Mass Effect’s story and the world of Dragon Age, but more low-tech” was my elevator pitch to my players.