[recap] wanna to join the test program? here are the steps you should follow! - eviltoast

Good testers are as important (if not more important) than good programmers, so any contribution is welcome and encouraged!

If you want to participate in the test program, please follow these steps:

  • write an email or a private message to me on Lemmy containing the email address you are currently logged in with on Google Play Store on your device, I’ll add your user to the closed tester group in the Play console
  • you’ll receive a mail/message by me with this direct link, if you open it on your Android device it will automatically resolve to the Play Store on the app page, from where you can install it
  • that’s it for the initial setup! 🎉

Start using the app and if you have feedback or want to report bugs, please follow these steps:

  • have a look at the project issue tracker to see if something similar has already been reported. If it is, add a reaction like 👍 and/or comment adding details/steps to reproduce/whatever you think it is useful for debugging. This step is optional but will save you (and me) some time by avoiding duplicates
  • create a new issue on the issue tracker or just send me an email/a private message on Lemmy/a post in this community and I’ll copy them to the issue tracker later, I prefer having all things there to have a single place where to look when I work on the project (plus they are visible for everyone, as per the previous point about duplicates).

Finally, I recommend subscribing to this community to stay up to date with new release announcements, since Google Play apparently neither informs testers of new versions nor it automatically updates the app whenever a new release is published.

And always remember:

🦝 L. F. E. T. 🦝