who is baldur and why does he have 3 gates (and 2 dark alliances) - eviltoast
  • Starting with 1 but eventually expanding to 3 (this is not a joke to go along with the title; they really do have 3 major gates going from the inner to outer city and the docks).

    so does this mean baldur’s gate 3 will be the last game in the baldur’s gate franchise? since there’s not a 4th gate to warrant a baldur’s gate 4 :(((

    also if his name’s actually balduran, why is it called baldur’s gate rather than balduran’s gate? >:V

    • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️@yiffit.net
      10 months ago

      There’s a weird culture in the city where you don’t just toss around his actual name willy-nilly. It’s why citizens of the city are called Baldurians instead of Baldurans. Balduran himself didn’t name the city, IIRC. It was originally just “The Gate.”

      As for a 4th gate: Hey, they can always build more gates. 😁