Yeah I worked at a place like that, but it made sense because we were also expected to keep PRs small, so a good commit message for several squashed ones was perfectly fine.
Master should just have the feature description commits, not the hundred commits it took to get there after refactoring the code for the 3rd time and pulling changes from master since it’s taken so long to get done.
I prefer that approach. We work with smaller tasks, so it makea more sense, plus it helps keep the master clean and if you want a more detailed view of the specific commits, you just have to click on the link to the PR. It’s a better way to organise it IMO
My company collapses into a single commit at merge so idgaf what the commit message is anymore. Though I would prefer not collapsing them.
Yeah I worked at a place like that, but it made sense because we were also expected to keep PRs small, so a good commit message for several squashed ones was perfectly fine.
Master should just have the feature description commits, not the hundred commits it took to get there after refactoring the code for the 3rd time and pulling changes from master since it’s taken so long to get done.
I prefer that approach. We work with smaller tasks, so it makea more sense, plus it helps keep the master clean and if you want a more detailed view of the specific commits, you just have to click on the link to the PR. It’s a better way to organise it IMO