Some propaganda for the biggest owl in the world, written by children’s author Roald d’Owl. BFO stands for “Blakiston’s Fish Owl”, or “Big Friendly Owl”, or “Big F’n Owl”… or whatever, I don’t even know anymore. Anyway, don’t forget to vote in today’s matches: Sooty v BFO is very close! Vote for whatever owl you like most, and don’t let this piece of propaganda influence your choice!
I follow politics too so I can stay informed, and I have pretty strong opinions, but I generally keep it to myself unless asked, and the owl board is definitely not a place enhanced by politics beyond “don’t destroy the environment, please!”
Sometimes I have to bring up something like the Spotted/Barred Owl situation so people can be aware of the urgency of the situation, but even then I try to keep it to a minimum.