Pictured is stewed tomato, salsa, spaghet sauce, tomato juice, marinara, ketchup, pickles, cranberries, gooseberry jam and ancient peaches from years gone. All sourced from a pretty modest sized garden. Not shown is sauerkraut and frozen corn
Pictured is stewed tomato, salsa, spaghet sauce, tomato juice, marinara, ketchup, pickles, cranberries, gooseberry jam and ancient peaches from years gone. All sourced from a pretty modest sized garden. Not shown is sauerkraut and frozen corn
Thanks man, it’s all really good stuff especially the juice. This years had celery, onion, garlic,basil, cilantro, tomatos and peppers I think I wrote v7 on the labels. It’s also always nice to give some of the stuff as presents too